Children and Young People’s Counselling

Support for Schools

Our children and young person therapy service can contribute to a whole-school approach to mental health and help create a supportive environment for your student’s mental health and wellbeing. Offering access to responsive, highly flexible specialist support our CYP therapists will provide a vital mental health resource tailored to the needs of your school.

Why Children and Young People Counselling?

Unresolved mental health problems can dramatically affect overall wellbeing, academic attainment, and extend into adulthood where they can reduce opportunities in life.

According to the statistics, 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age. Through our service, we aim to make a real, lasting difference in the lives of children and young people.

Flexible Approach

The delivery of our CYP therapy for schools is available onsite, in schools, over the phone, and online via video conference.

  • Weekly one-to-one sessions with our therapists
    provide students structure, consistency,
    and trust.

  • Therapists can work before, during, or after
    school hours to meet the needs of your school.

How does Counselling work?

Our specialist therapy service provides a safe and confidential space for children, teenagers, and young adults (CYP) of all ages to talk to a trained professional about anything that may be affecting them.

CYP therapists equip children and teenagers with the skills, confidence and resilience to better manage their own mental health and make sense of the world they live in.

All of our CYP therapists are professionally trained in developmental psychology and have in-depth knowledge of the mental health, emotional, and social needs of children and young people.

Does my child need a counsellor?

Counselling can be beneficial to adults and children alike, even without a mental health diagnosis. Young people undergo rapid changes and are impacted by a wide range of factors that can negatively affect mental health.

It can be difficult for children and teenagers to talk about these factors with parents or express what they are thinking and feeling.

Speaking with a trained professional, someone outside of the family, helps children and young people understand their feelings and learn how to work through them in a safe environment. If you are worried about your children, start a conversation with your child, with the people close to them, and their general practitioners.

What our Children and Young People are Saying

“CYP therapy gave me a space to talk and explore feelings without any pressure or expectations.”

Jack, 17

“Therapy was helpful for understanding my own thoughts processes and controlling my anger. ”

Usman, 13

“I found that I was listened to very well and was able to speak freely without being judged or looked down on. My therapist made me feel worthwhile and comfortable.”

Olivia, 16